"My first encounter with Carolina Breast Friends showed me that I found my spot! I loved the vibe and the spirit that you feel from the women at The Pink House."

Sara first heard of CBF from a friend. She has had dear aunts and girlfriends who have been impacted with breast cancer and have fought the fight, and she wanted to give back in honor of them. "I want them to know that they matter, and that people do care," she says.
As a newer volunteer for CBF, Sara has quickly jumped in to help. She has assembled comfort bags, restocked inventory and assisted with an on-site event for Survivors. "It was my pleasure meeting some of the lovely ladies that we honored that evening, and it was great to meet other volunteers as well. I really liked being able to visit with the ladies and hear their stories. I left with a feeling of gratitude and inspiration," Sara says of the event.

Sara goes on, "A quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta seems fitting. 'We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.' It is with a humble heart that I wish to be part of this loving community."
We are grateful for serving hearts, like Sara's, and for the generous gift of their time.
Picture on the bottom is Sara with fellow CBF volunteers