Muhide Guler's breast cancer journey started 8 years ago while living in Turkey.

Since then, she's moved to the United States to be closer to her son, learned the English language, become a US citizen, and has perfected her art form.
Her health is what has taken a back seat, simply because she has no health insurance. It's been years since she's received a mammogram, which can be especially worrisome for someone who's already had breast cancer.
Her son, Cem, stumbled upon Carolina Breast Friends during a google search, and that same week, the Pink House provided Muhide with properly fitted bras, prostheses, wigs and direct contacts for medical providers who will be able to get her the breast care she needs.
Cem shared, "the pink house is the best place in Charlotte. They are very professional and helpful...and willing to help everyone who is diagnosed with breast cancer."
Meeting needs is what we do... and we do it with your help. When you give to us, you are giving Survivors like Muhide a healthier and happier life.