There were a few things I am glad I did make it too.One of those being the Open House at the Pink House.

"I was on my way to yoga when I received a phone call from my doctor. I was guessing when I heard her voice that she wasn't calling to wish me sweet dreams for the night. On the contrary... she informed me that I had been diagnosed with invasive breast didn't make yoga that night. But during my journey there were a few things I am glad I did make it too.One of those being the Open House at the Pink House. I did want to go but I was in a crunch and really didn't have the time.
But I stopped for a moment and realized...I need to make time for this, other things can wait.
It was there I was introduced to someone (who was also having surgery on the very same day I was). We embraced like long lost sisters. We knew instantly the emotion of the other with no words spoken. An extraordinary moment that will forever be imbedded in my mind. And an instant friendship and bond! And to think I almost didn't attend the open house, because I was busy. All I can say is Wonderful...with a capital W! I spent several hours at the home on warm and inviting. I sat in the kitchen with other Survivors chatting. They provided me with tons of information, mastectomy pillows, support and a loving hug."