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Donor Spotlight | Aniston

"I am very excited about the amount of money I raised to give to support all these people."


Aniston posing in front of the CBF sign

Aniston is only 10 years old and she's already making an incredible impact in her community. For the fifth year in a row, Aniston set up a lemonade stand in her community to raise money for a nonprofit organization. This year, she chose Carolina Breast Friends as the recipient.

"Knowing lots of special people in my life have been diagnosed with breast cancer, I chose this organization to donate," Aniston says.

One of Aniston's lemonade-stand supporters in the past lost her battle to breast cancer last year. As a way to honor her, and because Aniston did her research to learn more about CBF's mission, "Lemons for the Ladies" was created to benefit CBF this year. Aniston collected $600.

Aniston lemonade stand

Aniston and her mother, Katie, recently stopped by to personally deliver the money she raised. "One of my favorites was the boutique and how they had everything they [Survivors] needed," she says.

Aniston goes on, "I am thrilled to have worked with CBF and look forward to working with them again. This opportunity is life changing for me and everyone I helped support."

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