"It means a lot to know that there is a local organization vested in the emotional wellness and recovery of patients diagnosed with breast cancer."

After being diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2021, Karen and her husband, Christian, wanted to find a way to celebrate her Survivorship and honor all Survivors of breast cancer. Their creativity led them to the idea of a Halloween/Survivorship celebration this past fall.
"It's been a long time since we've been able to have any large get-togethers, and my husband and I felt it was the perfect time to do so," says Karen.
With that in mind, Karen and Christian hosted a Halloween costume party at their home, which they plan to make an annual get-together. They had a great band, served awesome food and invited their friends to join them. All guests were asked to support CBF by making a financial contribution at the event. Karen and Christian set a goal to raise $1,500, and by the end of the evening they had raised almost $2,500.
Says Karen, "Although I was provided information about CBF by my surgical oncologist at Atrium Health, I was well into my journey of recovery when I recognized that having fellowship with others undergoing breast cancer treatment is an important aspect to healing."
Karen goes on to say, "We are fortunate to have outreach programs such as CBF in our community who serve ALL, and we wanted to organize something fun and special to help ensure the organization is able to continue in its mission. We would like to thank our family and friends for their support, friendship and incredible generosity in donating to a great cause in CBF."
We are grateful to donors like Karen and Christian who find it so important to contribute back to the community to which Karen is now deeply connected.
*Christian (left) and Karen (right) dressed as Benjamin Franklin and his common-law wife, Deborah